Inaka Soba vs. Sarashina Soba: Types of Buckwheat Noodles
As you know, Soba (蕎麦), also known as Nihon Soba (日本蕎麦), is a buckwheat noodle that originated in Japan, whose current form called Sobakiri (蕎麦切り) first appears in a document dated 1574.
Today, various varieties and brands of Soba are available, including these, among which Inaka Soba (田舎そば) is on the opposite end of Sarashina Soba (更科そば).
Inaka Soba vs. Sarashina Soba
First and foremost, Inaka Soba (田舎そば) and Sarashina Soba (更科そば) have contrasting colors, black and white, but how do they differ other than color?
Inaka Soba (田舎そば)
First, Inaka Soba (田舎そば), also known as Yamaga Soba (山家そば), is generally thick buckwheat noodles (compared to Sarashina Soba) made by coarsely grinding unhulled buckwheat seeds.
Because of that, the resulting noodles take on a blackish color and have a strong aroma of buckwheat. As Inaka (田舎) means countryside in Japanese, Inaka Soba is a rustic buckwheat noodle.
Sarashina Soba (更科そば)
In contrast, Sarashina Soba (更科そば), also known as Gozen Soba (御膳蕎麦), are thin whitish noodles made from the 一番粉/Ichibanko flour that comes out first when grinding buckwheat seeds, consisting of the center part of the endosperm.
Sarashina Soba is a luxurious high-grade buckwheat noodle with a delicate aroma and subtle sweetness, which goes down the throat smoothly.
(Reference Pages: Wikipedia 蕎麦, そばの散歩道, そばのおびなた)
1 Response
[…] Sarashina Soba is just a type of soba noodle made from a different part of the buckwheat plant. […]