Togarashi no Tane vs. Kaki no Tane Rice Crackers

Togarashi (唐辛子/とうがらし) is the Japanese word for chili peppers, and the quintessential Japanese condiment using Togarashi is Shichimi Togarashi (七味唐辛子). 

In Japan, as well as other countries, chili pepper is a seasoning often used in snacks, and popular treats using Togarashi include Kaki no Tane (柿の種) and Togarashi no Tane (とうがらしの種).

Togarashi no Tane vs. Kaki no Tane

Echigo Seika Togarashi no Tane

Kaki no Tane and Togarashi no Tane are both spicy rice crackers from confectionery companies whose head offices are in Niigata Prefecture, where I live. 


Naniwaya original Kaki no Tane rice crackers

Kaki no Tane is an orange-colored crescent-shaped rice cracker invented by Naniwaya Seika (浪花屋製菓), a confectionery maker headquartered in Nagaoka, and debuted in 1925. 

Today, Kaki no Tane has become one of Japan’s best-known rice crackers, and many food companies are manufacturing it. This snack is also known as Kakipi (柿ピー) or Kameda Crisps.

Echigo Seika Togarashi no Tane Rice Crackers

On the other hand, Togarashi no Tane is a rice cracker first created by the Joetsu-based confectionery company Minagawa Seika (みながわ製菓) and introduced into the market in 1986.

Unfortunately, the originator went bankrupt in 2016, and now, Echigo Seika (越後製菓), a confectionery maker headquartered in Nagaoka, possesses its trademark and produces and sells the rice crackers. 


Naniwaya Seika Original Kaki no Tane Rice Crackers

The literal meaning of Kaki no Tane (柿の種) is persimmon’s seed, as Kaki (柿) is the Japanese word for persimmon, while Tane (種) means seed, and the snack’s appearance is associated with persimmon seeds.

Togarashi no Tane

As you can tell by now, Togarashi no Tane (とうがらしの種) means chili pepper’s seed, and the rice crackers have lots of red chili powder on the surface. 


Naniwaya Seika Ganso Kaki no Tane rice crackers

As for the taste, Kaki no Tane is deliciously savory with mild spiciness/heat. 

Togarashi no Tane Super Spicy Rice Crackers

In contrast, Togarashi no Tane is pretty hot. But to me, this treat is more addictive than Kaki no Tane.


Naniwaya Seika Ganso Canned Kaki no Tane

Lastly, let’s see the ingredients. According to the official site of Naniwaya Confectionery, the ingredients used in their Kaki no Tane are as follows.

Mochi-Gome glutinous rice, Non-glutinous Uruchi rice, Starch, Soy sauce, Starch decomposition product, Salt, Reduced starch syrup, Flavoring, Red chili pepper, Modified starch, Seasoning (including Amino acid), Caramel pigment, Monascus color, Paprika pigment, Emulsifier

Echigo Seika Togarashi no Tane Ingredients

Meanwhile, based on the list, the ingredients used in the Echigo Seika Togarashi no Tane cracker are as follows.

Non-glutinous Uruchi rice, Soy sauce, Chili seasoning, Vegetable oil/fat, Red chili pepper, Sugar, Powdered chicken extract, Flavoring (Bonito), Seasoning (including Amino acid), Colors (Monascus, Carotenoid), Acidifier, Spice extract


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

2 Responses

  1. Roy Makoto Lee says:

    Hi Tomo, I’m a half Japanese American that grew up eating kaki no tane along with other rice cracker snacks. Around 2015 I took my Japanese mother to an Asian market and found the togarashi no tane. I fell in love with them and ordered a whole case from the market. By the time I finished them and was ready to order more I was told they couldn’t get them anymore and I now understand why. Do you know if these are sold in the US and if so, where I can get them? Also, does Kameda sell the kaki no tane without peanuts? I had to switch to a different brand when the only kind I can get here now, is with peanuts. Thanks for any help. 🙂

    • Tomo says:

      Thank you for commenting!
      I have no info on where Togarashi no Tane (とうがらしの種) is available in the U.S. But the crackers are on sale on Amazon Japan, which can possible ship the item to you. Yes, Kameda sells Kaki no Tane without peanuts (ピーナッツなし), like this, and also carries that kind. Alternatively, I think you can buy Kameda Crisps without peanuts in the U.S. I hope this will help.

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