Steak Flavor Furikake featuring Vegemaca from Welcia

When I shopped at a Welcia drugstore the other day, a Furikake/ふりかけ product piqued my interest because I had never seen such a flavor before.

The item had a steak flavor supervised by a university professor serving on the board of directors for the Vege-Maca Association, and I grabbed one to try.

Steak Flavor Furikake by Nagatanien & Welcia

Nagatanien & Welcia Steak Flavor Furikake

The steak Furikake is a collab product by Nagatanien/永谷園 and Welcia featuring a vitality vegetable called vegemaca and seems only sold by the Japanese drugstore chain.


I had never heard of vegemaca/ベジマカ either, but based on some online sources, it refers to the domestically-grown or Japan-made raw maca eaten as a vegetable.

Sprinkle Steak Flavor Furikake on White Rice

Although the meat-like flakes mainly consist of soybean protein, they are flavored with beef extract, garlic, pepper, and so on and emit a good smell that makes me hungry when sprinkled.

Steak Flavor Furikake Rice Seasoning

And to my surprise, these granules were amazingly flavorful and tasty! They go perfectly on a warm bowl of white rice with an addictive taste reminiscent of juicy steak spiced with black pepper!

Ingredients/Nutrition Facts

Nagatanien & Welcia Steak Flavor Furikake Ingredients Nutrition Facts Label


Meat flavor flakes (Soybean protein, Vegetable oil/fat, Sugar, Milk sugar, Yeast extract, Salt, Maltose, Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, Garlic, Onion, Pork extract, Rice miso, Powdered soy sauce, Flavor oil, Pepper, Chicken extract, Onion paste, Beef extract), Sesame, Pepper, Chili pepper, Maca powder, Seasoning (including Amino acid), Caramel pigment, Flavoring, Antioxidant (Vitamin E) (Partially including Wheat, Milk component, Beef, Sesame, Soybean, Chicken, and Pork)

Nutritional Values

Nutritional Values per Bag (20 Grams)
Calories  103 kcal
Protein 4.1 g
Fat 6.5 g
Carbohydrates 7.1 g
Salt Equivalents 1.3 g
Vegemaca Powder 100 mg


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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