Category: Noodles


Ramen vs Chuka Soba vs Shina Soba: What’s the Difference?

There are three different names for the shops that offer Ramen noodles in Japan. They are Ramen-Ya (ラーメン屋), Chuka Soba-Ya (中華そば屋), and Shina Soba-Ya (支那そば屋). As you might already know, the last word in...

Inaka Soba Noodle Soup 1

Inaka Soba vs. Sarashina Soba: Types of Buckwheat Noodles

As you know, Soba (蕎麦), also known as Nihon Soba (日本蕎麦), is a buckwheat noodle that originated in Japan, whose current form called Sobakiri (蕎麦切り) first appears in a document dated 1574. Today, various...