Nissin Cup Noodles vs. Assari Oishii Noodles

Known as the world’s first instant cup ramen, Nissin Cup Noodle (Soy Sauce flavor) hit the shelves in 1971 and is widely enjoyed in many countries today.

It comes in numerous flavors that differ by country, and in 2006 in Japan, Nissin launched a Cup Noodle-related series called Soup Noodle.

Unfortunately, the line went out of production this year (2018), but instead, the manufacturer started to sell the successor named Assari Sukuname Noodle this April.

Nissin Cup Noodle vs. Assari Sukuname Noodle


The contents of these Assari Sukuname * (あっさり少なめ) Noodle cups are almost the same as Nissin Soup Noodles, using nearly the same ingredients.

But they are different from Nissin Cup Noodles in that the amount of noodles is less. While regular Nissin Cup Noodles contain 65 g of noodles, these newcomers only have 50 grams.

As the words, Assari (あっさり) and Sukuname (少なめ) respectively mean light and fewer amounts, the soup noodle of the Assari Sukuname ramen is just like that compared to Nissin Cup Noodles.

Nissin Assari Oishii Cup Noodle Seafood

The light taste of its broth comes from the small amounts of noodles, as the cup must fill itself using more water.

Instead, the Assari Sukuname ramen is low-calorie and healthy, mainly marketed toward female and elderly customers.

Its suggested retail price is just 125 yen, which is cheaper than regular Nissin Cup Noodles (180 yen).

* In July 2018, Nissin changed the name Assari Sukuname (あっさり少なめ) to Assari Oishii (あっさりおいしい: meaning Light and Delicious), but the contents and price remained unchanged.

(Reference Page: Wikipedia カップヌードル )


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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