7 All-Time Most-Listened Japanese Christmas Songs

Christmas Eve has arrived, and tomorrow is Christmas Day! Every year, as the event approaches, I hear various songs from TV and radio shows.

But I wondered, what are the all-time most-listened or most-loved Japanese Christmas songs? 

7 Must-Know Japanese Christmas Songs

7 Must-Know Japanese Christmas Songs

Today, I researched that on the net and found two rankings on top curated by Ranking.net and Enjoytokyo.jp. I saw them and totally agreed with the results.

Most top songs overlap in the two sites, and I know all the Japanese Christmas anthems and hear them often when December comes, which are as follows.

  1. Koibito ga Santa Claus (恋人がサンタクロース) (Release Year: 1980) by Matsutoya Yumi (松任谷由実) (official Youtube video)
  2. Christmas Eve (クリスマスイブ) (1983) by Yamashita Tatsuro (山下達郎) (Youtube search results)
  3. Christmas Carol no Koro ni wa (クリスマスキャロルの頃には) (1992) by Inagaki Junichi (稲垣潤一) (official Youtube video)
  4. Itsuka no Merry Christmas (いつかのメリークリスマス) (1992) by B’z (Youtube search results)
  5. Shiroi Koibito Tachi (白い恋人達) (2001) by Kuwata Keisuke (桑田佳祐) (official Youtube video)
  6. Christmas Song (クリスマスソング) (2015) by Back Number (official Youtube video)

In addition to these, there is one more Japanese Christmas song you should remember, which is Awatenbo no Santa Claus (あわてんぼうのサンタクロース: Hasty Santa Claus). 

Created by Yoshioka Osamu (吉岡治) & Kobayashi Asei (小林亜星) and released in 1971 as a nursery rhyme for children, this song (Youtube search results)  is now also among Japan’s most favorite Christmas songs.


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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