Tekka Don vs. Maguro Don: Donburi Tuna Bowls
Donburi (どんぶり/丼), whose literal meaning is a bowl, is the Japanese word for rice bowl dish, usually abbreviated to Don (丼) when used in the dish’s name. When I think of Japanese seafood donburi...
Recommendation of Unique Japanese Products and Culture
Product Introduction through My Daily Life in Japan
Donburi (どんぶり/丼), whose literal meaning is a bowl, is the Japanese word for rice bowl dish, usually abbreviated to Don (丼) when used in the dish’s name. When I think of Japanese seafood donburi...
Originating from Japan, Natto (納豆) is a fermented soybean with a characteristic smell and slimy consistency, because of which many people can’t eat this soy food. Have you ever eaten the delicacy before? If...
Have you ever heard of bento boxed lunch being sold mainly at large train stations in Japan? It’s called “Ekiben (駅弁)“, and a large variety of Ekiben bento boxes, over a thousand! can be...
I wrote about Japan’s top-selling green tea PET bottle, Ito-En Oi Ocha (伊藤園 おーいお茶), in this article the other day. The Japanese green tea has a gentle, smooth taste and is very easy to drink. Besides,...
Some Japanese people like white rice steeped in miso soup, and like that, Ochazuke (お茶漬け) or Chazuke has long been a staple rice soup dish in Japan. For the unfamiliar, Ochazuke is a bowl...