Category: Trivia

Nagaimo Tororo 0

Yamaimo vs. Nagaimo vs. Jinenjo: Japanese Yams

When I think of Japanese yams, what comes to my mind right away is Yamaimo (山芋: meaning Mountain Yam), Nagaimo (長芋: Long Yam), and Jinenjo (自然薯: Wild Yam). These are similar things, all seem...

Unagi no Shirayaki with Wasabi 0

Unagi: Shirayaki vs. Kabayaki

When it comes to the Japanese dish using the freshwater eel Unagi, Unagi no Kabayaki (うなぎの蒲焼) is quintessential and one of the exquisite, as you may know. But have you ever heard of Unagi no...

Japanese Tantanmen Noodles 0

Japanese Noodles: Tantanmen vs. Tanmen vs. Ramen

Ramen is a Japanese noodle soup originating from the noodle dish called Nankin Soba (南京そば). Nankin Soba was served in Chinatowns founded in ports such as Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, and Hakodate in the early...