Recommendation of Unique Japanese Products and Culture BLOG

Nagaimo Tororo 0

Yamaimo vs. Nagaimo vs. Jinenjo: Japanese Yams

When I think of Japanese yams, what comes to my mind right away is Yamaimo (山芋: meaning Mountain Yam), Nagaimo (長芋: Long Yam), and Jinenjo (自然薯: Wild Yam). These are similar things, all seem...

Togarashi no Tane Super Spicy Rice Crackers 2

Togarashi no Tane vs. Kaki no Tane Rice Crackers

Togarashi (唐辛子/とうがらし) is the Japanese word for chili peppers, and the quintessential Japanese condiment using Togarashi is Shichimi Togarashi (七味唐辛子).  In Japan, as well as other countries, chili pepper is a seasoning often used...