5 Best Seasonings for Upgrading Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood

As you may know, it is Nissin Foods that introduced the world’s first instant cup ramen, and when Japanese people think of cup noodles, I think many will bring to mind that Nissin Cup Noodle.

Since the release of the Cup Noodle, Nissin has held the top share in Japan’s instant noodles market, and among others, the Shoyu (Soy Sauce) and Seafood flavors are especially popular in Japan.

Nissin Cup Noodle Soy Sauce Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood
Amazon.com Amazon.com

As a matter of fact, Nissin Cup Noodle Soy Sauce is the best-selling cup ramen brand in Japan, and the seafood flavor ranks second.

5 Best Seasonings (Condiments) for Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood

When it comes to Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood, you can find a bunch of tips to make the noodle soup taste better on the internet offered in Japanese.

Out of such tips, today let me share my 5 favorite seasonings and condiments for upgrading the instant seafood ramen.

The following toppings will deepen the flavor of the noodle soup, making it more delicious and addictive.


Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood and MayonnaiseImage: twitter@miyu0555

Many Japanese people like adding mayonnaise to the cup. They have said on the internet that mayo is the best condiment for Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood.

The method is very simple; Once you cook the instant ramen, add mayo as much as you like.

This topping imparts depth to the taste of the seafood ramen and makes it a milder and richer noodle soup.


Nissin Cup Noodles Seafood with Umeboshi

The pickled ume plum Umeboshi unexpectedly works well with almost any flavor of the Cup Noodle line available in Japan.

In fact, it is said that a person in charge of the development of Nissin Cup Noodles admired the perfect combination of Umeboshi and Cup Noodle Seafood.

If you just add a piece of Umeboshi to the finished cup, the seafood ramen can get a pleasant refreshing taste from the Ume pickle.

Torokeru Cheese

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Before pouring boiling water into the cup, put some Torokeru Cheese on the dried noodle block, and then make the ramen in a routine way.

Among Japanese instant ramen lovers, Torokeru Cheese or melting cheese is well-known as a standard topping for upgrading Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood.

With this method, you can fully enjoy the ramen with the umami of cheese, as melting cheese twines around the noodles.


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Many Japanese like to add vinegar to the seafood ramen, and they have said online that vinegar goes well with almost any flavor of Nissin Cup Noodles.

If you add some vinegar to Cup Noodle Seafood, the dish will become something like Thailand’s Tom Yum Goong.

Gochujang (Korean Red Chili Paste)

【日清食品(NISSIN)】カップヌードル レッドシーフードヌードル025Image: instantyuu.net

If you like spicy food, I recommend dissolving some Korean red chili paste “Gochujang” in Nissin Cup Noodle Seafood. That spicy seasoning will make the ramen a tasty Korean-style noodle soup.


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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