Nissin Cup Noodle Reiwa Celebrating Japan’s New Era

As the new era of Reiwa (令和) has finally come here in Japan, I have recently seen several products relating to it in stores.

Last time, I stopped by a drugstore and came across this instant Yakisoba with real gold from the Peyang Sauce Yakisoba series celebrating the advent of Reiwa.

I love ramen. So when I go shopping at a supermarket, I almost always head to its instant noodles section and check whether there are newly released products with appealing packaging.

Nissin Cup Noodle Reiwa Instant Ramen

Nissin Reiwa Cup Noodle

And yesterday, piles of this memorial cup from Nissin welcomed me at the entrance of the instant noodles aisle, which drew my interest, making me grab one.

On the golden paper lid of the Nissin Cup Noodle I picked up, the red Kanji characters 令和元年, meaning the first year of Reiwa, were printed.

What do you think is used as a motif for this package design? If you are well-acquainted with Japanese things, you should answer this question.

The answer is

Japanese Daruma Wishing Doll

Daruma (だるま)

Daruma is a traditional Japanese wishing doll known as a lucky charm for the new year. Now, let’s get back to the main subject.


Although I carefully read the product description, I couldn’t find the info on flavor.

So I checked the ingredients list, visited the official site, and found that the contents are the same as regular Nissin Cup Noodle Shoyu or Soy Sauce.

Nissin Reiwa Cup Noodle Instant Ramen

As you can see in the photo, the Cup Noodle Reiwa is just Nissin Cup Noodle Soy Sauce with lucky memorial packaging for the new era Reiwa (令和)!


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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