Donburi Dish: What is Bakudan Don (ばくだん丼)?

Donburi (丼), meaning a bowl, is the Japanese word for rice bowl dish, usually abbreviated to Don (丼) in the dish’s name.

Meanwhile, Bakudan (ばくだん/爆弾) means bomb, but what exactly is Bakudan Don (ばくだん丼)?

Bakudan Don (ばくだん丼)

Bakudan Don

Bakudan Don is available in various areas of Japan, and the ingredients prepared for the dish vary depending on the region and each household.

However, the Donburi typically consists of a bowl of white rice topped with chopped or thinly sliced raw tuna, Natto fermented soybeans, a raw egg, and sliced okra. 

Other than these, the rice bowl dish may include Tororo grated yam, shredded Nori seaweed, Mentaiko roe, Takuan pickles, shrimps, or sliced squid.

Ootoya's BakudandonImage: Wikipedia ばくだん丼

Like Sushi and Sashimi, we usually enjoy the Donburi dish with soy sauce and Wasabi (grated Japanese horseradish), and Ootoya (大戸屋) is among the restaurant chains offering it.

Origin of the Name

As for the etymology of Bakudan Don, there are some theories, and one holds that Bakudan in its name derives from mixed ingredients of the dish resembling a bomb.

(Reference Page: Wikipedia ばくだん丼


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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