Category: Trivia

Umai meaning Good 0

Umai: Meaning of the Japanese Word

“Umai (うまい)” is a Japanese word often used in terms of food, in which case it is written as “旨い” or “美味い” using Chinese characters or Kanji, meaning “tasty” or “delicious“. Meaning of Umai...

Arigato 0

Arigato Gozaimasu vs. Sumimasen: Which Should be Used?

Arigato (ありがとう), also spelled Arigatou, meaning thank you, is a Japanese phrase that many people know, whose polite form is Arigato Gozaimasu. Meanwhile, as I wrote in this article, Sumimasen or Suimasen means I’m...

Gomen or Gomenasai 0

Gomen vs Gomenasai vs Gomen Ne: Meaning & Usage

As I gave an overview of how Gomenasai, Sumimasen, and Suimasen differ in this post, today let me talk about different ways to say “Gomenasai (ごめんなさい)”, that is, “Gomen (ごめん)” and “Gomen Ne (ごめんね)”....

Shiso or Perilla 0

Perilla: Shiso vs. Oba leaves

Shiso (シソ/紫蘇) is an annual plant that belongs to the genus Perilla in the family Lamiaceae, and probably because of that, it is referred to as perilla in English. Shiso vs. Oba The leaf...