Otona no Furikake: Rice Seasoning from Nagatanien

Rice is the staple of the Japanese diet.

And we like to eat a warm bowl of white rice with Furikake (ふりかけ), mainly consisting of flakes made from ingredients such as meat, fish, egg, and seaweed.

The condiment has a long history, and classics include Marumiya Noritama, Mishima Yukari, and this Otona no Furikake (大人のふりかけ) from Nagatanien (永谷園).

Nagatanien Otona no Furikake

Nagatanien Otona no Furikake

Nagatanien developed Otona no Furikake (おとなのふりかけ: meaning Furikake for Adults) to break the image that Furikake is for children and put it on the market in 1989.

But of course, children can also enjoy these rice seasonings, as I used to eat them as a kid. And now, Nagatanien Otona no Furikake is one of Japan’s best recognized Furikake products.

5 Flavors of Otona no Furikake Mini 2

The Otona no Furikake Mini 2 I purchased this time consists of 5 flavors (4 each) with 20 packets in total, and each flavor is like this.

Niku Miso (肉味噌)

Otona no Furikake Niku Miso Flavor

Niku Miso (肉味噌) mainly consists of chicken flakes flavored with miso.

Other ingredients include wheat flour, nori, sesame seeds, gochujang, matcha green tea powder, onion powder, bonito extract, yeast extract, powdered soy sauce, sugar, and salt.

Mentaiko (明太子)

Otona no Furikake Mentaiko Flavor

Mentaiko (明太子) is salted cod roe, and this flavor mainly consists of its flakes.

Other ingredients include wheat flour, red chili pepper, seafood extract, yeast extract, matcha powder, sesame seeds, nori, starch, sugar, and salt.

Sake Wakame (鮭わかめ)

Otona no Furikake Sake Wakame Flavor

Sake Wakame (鮭わかめ) mainly consists of salmon flakes and bits of wakame (seaweed).

Other ingredients include nori, wheat flour, salmon extract, matcha powder, yeast extract, starch, sugar, and salt.

Ume Yukari (梅ゆかり)

Otona no Furikake Ume Yukari Flavor

Ume Yukari (梅ゆかり) is a Mishima Yukari-like rice seasoning mainly consisting of dry granules processed from Ume plums and Shiso leaves.

Other ingredients include wheat flour, bonito powder/extract, soy sauce, matcha powder, yeast extract, starch, sesame seeds, nori, sugar, and salt.

Katsuo Mirin (かつおみりん)

Otona no Furikake Katsuo Mirin Flavor

Katsuo Mirin is a Furikake of bonito flakes seasoned with mirin (sweet cooking rice wine).

Other ingredients include wheat flour, starch, yeast extract, sesame seeds, powdered soy sauce, nori, sugar, and salt.

Otona no Furikake Mini 2 Ingredients


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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