Sakeru Cheese & Sakeru Gummy: Splittable Food

Sakeru Cheese (さけるチーズ) and Sakeru Gummy (さけるグミ) are treats that have become popular topics in recent years in Japan.

Yukijirushi Megmilk Sakeru Cheese

Sakeru Cheese is the brand name of a natural cheese product produced and sold by Yukijirushi Megmilk, available at most supermarkets.

UHA Mikakuto Sakeru Gummy Candy

Meanwhile, Sakeru Gummy is a new type of gummy candy from UHA Mikakuto, sold mainly in convenience stores. But what exactly are these?

Sakeru Cheese & Sakeru Gummy

Sakeru Cheese

If you know what the Japanese word Sakeru (さける) means, you can probably imagine what type of food Sakeru Cheese and Sakeru Gummy are.

Meaning of Sakeru 

Sakeru String Cheese

The Japanese meaning of Sakeru is splittable, and as the word suggests, you can effortlessly pull off strips vertically from the Sakeru Cheese stick with your hands.

Sakeru Gummy Candy

As with the Sakeru string cheese, you can easily tear the Sakeru Gummy candy into strips along its ridges.


Sakeru Cheese and Sakeru Gummy are not just interesting and fun, but the former has a pleasant chew and a rich taste going well with beer.

On the other hand, the latter gummy sheet is fruity and yummy, making children excited and satisfied.


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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