What are Sengyo Sushi (鮮魚寿司) & Katsugyo (活魚)?

Have you ever heard of Sengyo Sushi (鮮魚寿司)?

For the unfamiliar, Sengyo Sushi generally refers to Nigiri-Zushi consisting of vinegared rice or Shari (しゃり) topped with a slice of Sengyo.

Sengyo Sushi

In addition to Sengyo, Katsugyo/活魚 is also rarely prepared in Japan as an ingredient for Sushi and Sashimi.

Sengyo Sushi & Katsugyo

As you can guess by now, Sengyo and Katsugyo are Japanese words for fish, but what is the difference in meaning between the two?

Sengyo (鮮魚)

Sengyo Sushi Meaning in Japanese

First, Sengyo/鮮魚 is the Japanese term for fresh dead fish soon after being caught (specifically after the rigor mortis).

And Sengyo Sushi/鮮魚寿司 is generally a Nigiri Zushi/握り寿司 using a slice of Sengyo.

Katsugyo (活魚)


In contrast, Katsugyo/活魚 refers to living fishes (specifically until the rigor mortis).

Usually, Sushi restaurants offering Katsugyo have fish tanks called Ikesu/生簀 on the floor.

Ikesu Fish Tank

(Reference Pages: Wikipedia 活魚, 鮮魚 )


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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