Poifull: Sugar-Coated Fruit Gummies from Meiji

As with the Fujiya Home Pie, you can try your luck with this long-selling Poifull (ポイフル) gummy (released in 1993) from Meiji.

Like their Apollo Chocolate, this product rarely contains a heart-shaped gummy candy called Happy Poifull (ハッピーポイフル).

Meiji Poifull (ポイフル)

Meiji Poifull

In the name Poifull, Poi (ポイ) is the Japanese onomatopoeic word used when tossing/throwing something, and the box is full of gummies to pop in your mouth.

Meiji Poifull Fruit Gummy Candies

These are small-size fruit gummies comprised of four flavors (raspberry, lemon, green apple, and grape) coated with colored sugar.

Meiji Poifull Gummies

So these treats are crumbly on the outside, while the inside consists of a juicy and super fruity gummy, though it’s not bouncy. By the way, could you find it?

Heart-Shaped Happy Poifull Gummy

I could find it, the heart-shaped Happy Poifull!

Ingredients/Nutrition Facts

Meiji Poifull Fruit Gummy Ingredients Nutrition Facts Calories Label

Ingredients in the Meiji Poifull
Sugar, Starch syrup, Gelatin, Concentrated fruit juice (grape, apple, lemon, raspberry), Vegetable fat, Starch, Sorbitol, Acidifier, Polysaccharide thickener, Brightener, Flavoring, Colors (flavonoid, anthocyanin, gardenia, Monascus)

Nutritional Values

Nutritional Values per box (53 grams)
Calories 187 kcal
Protein 3.0 g
Fat 0 g
Carbohydrates 43.7 g
Salt equivalents 0.02 g
Collagen 2100 mg


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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