I Tried Making Potato Potage Soup with Jagariko Sticks

Calbee is a Japanese snack food manufacturer with an overwhelming share in the market of Japan.

Speaking of Calbee, Jagariko and Potato Chips are 2 potato snacks that represent the company loved by many people, both adults and children.

Today, I actually bought Calbee Jagariko Potato Stick Salad Flavor at a supermarket near my house, for I wanted to try making a soup dish with the fries.

Calbee Jagariko fired potato sticks salad

The potato stick Jagariko is made by deep-frying steamed potatoes kneaded with tiny bits of carrot and parsley.

It tastes good with a pleasant crispy texture, because of which, some Japanese like creating food recipes using the Japariko fries and post them on the internet.

Viewing one of them, I got curious about it, and that is why I decided to make it. And that is potato potage soup using Jagariko fries.

Potato Potage Soup Recipe using Calbee Jagariko Fries

According to the recipe on Rakuten, I prepared the following ingredients to make the potato potage soup.

Calbee Jagariko

Ingredient Quantity
Calbee Jagariko Salad (Amazon.com) About 15 sticks
Hot water 50 cc
Milk 100 cc
Salt and pepper A little


The cooking is quite easy as follows.

1 IMG_1528 Crush the Jagariko fries into tiny pieces and put them into a cup.
2 IMG_6993 Pour the hot water into the cup and wait until the pieces become soft.
3 IMG_5515 When they have become soft, sprinkle a dash of salt and pepper and stir well to make it like mashed potatoes.
4 IMG_0827 Then, add milk little by little to the cup, stirring constantly.
5 Potato Potage Soup with Calbee Jagariko Microwave the cup until hot, and it’s ready to eat.


The resulting soup unexpectedly tastes pretty good. It isn’t weak in taste with a nice thick consistency from potatoes. To make the soup with another flavor of Jagariko may also be interesting.


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

1 Response

  1. November 19, 2017

    […] I wrote in my past article,the other day I also try making the potato potage soup with Jagariko Potato Stick Salad […]

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