Boro Snacks (Tamago Boro, Soba Boro) vs Cookies
When I was small, my mother used to buy me “Tamago Boro (たまごボーロ)“. I loved the small egg cookies because they had an excellent light texture that melted in the mouth.
Besides, the Japanese egg cookies have the perfect degree of sweetness and the right size and shape for kids.
In Japan, not only do children enjoy Tamago Boro, but the small ball-shaped cookie is also loved by adults simply because it is yummy.
Boro Snacks vs. Cookies
Even now, I am fond of eating Tamago Boro and other Japanese “Boro (ボーロ)” snacks.
But I was wondering whether Boro is the same thing as cookies. So today, I researched online how they differ.
According to Japanese Wikipedia, Boro is derived from the Portuguese word “Bolo” for confections in general.
Bolo isn’t the name of a certain confection, whereas Japanese Boro is a Nanbangashi typically made by baking a mixture of Katakuriko flour, sugar, egg yolk, and milk.
“Nanban-Gashi (南蛮菓子)” is the word for Japanese sweets with roots in Portuguese or Spanish recipes, and Tamago Boro is a quintessential Japanese Boro snack.
But strictly speaking, the snack might not be a cookie. As a matter of fact, compared to cookies, featuring a smooth melt-away, Tamago Boro is light and airy.
Soba Boro (そばぼうろ)
Soba Boro, together with Tamago Boro, is a popular Japanese Boro snack. As many people know, Soba is buckwheat, and its taste characterizes Soba Boro.
The ingredients in this Soba Boro are wheat flour, sugar, hen’s egg, buckwheat flour, and baking powder.
Japanese Boro snacks come in various shapes, and this Soba Boro is like a blossom. As with Tamago Boro, these treats are light, brittle, and melt in the mouth.
Where to Buy
Although Soba Boro is one of the Boro snacks that represent Japan, I hardly see it being sold at stores. I got this at a big supermarket in Niigata City, by the way.