Ryukakusan Herbal Candy for Sore Throat

Since a few days ago, I have had a scratchy throat. So now, I am sucking on a “Nodoame (のど飴)” to soothe it.

Nodoame is the Japanese word for cough drops, including herbal candies, and this product introduced by “Kanro (カンロ)” in 1981 is the first Nodoame.

Kanro is a Japanese food maker known for its hard candies. In addition to sweets, the company also produces and sells herbal drops.

I love their sweets, especially “Kanro Ame (カンロ飴)“. However, when it comes to herbal candy for a sore/scratchy throat, I favor a certain product from “Ryukakusan (龍角散)”.

Ryukakusan Nodo Sukkiri Ame (龍角散 のどすっきり飴)

Ryukakusan Nodo Sukkiri Ame

My favorite Nodoame herbal candy is the product pictured above whose name is “Ryukakusan Nodo Sukkiri Ame (龍角散 のどすっきり飴)”, which I’m sucking on now.

Unlike Kanro, Ryukakusan is a Japanese pharmaceutical company specializing in throat medicines/lozenges.

Ryukakusan Nodo Sukkiri Ame Herbal Candy

In recent years, the herbal candy from Ryukakusan, Nodo Sukkiri Ame has become one of the best-selling cough drops.

Not only have the company’s throat lozenges gained wide popularity in Japan, but their medicines are also famous in China, where they are called miracle medicines.


Ryukakusan Nodo Sukkiri Ame Ingredients Nutrition Facts Calories Label

As for the ingredients of this candy, it uses 19 different kinds of herb extracts, in addition to Ryukakusan’s original herb powder consisting mainly of chamomile and Chinese quince.

The others include sugar, starch syrup, flavoring, caramel, chlorophyll, and acidifier.


When my throat feels scratchy or sore, this herbal candy always helps me. It is not sweet but easy to eat and relieves pain very well.

These deep-green drops have an immediate effect and make my throat feel refreshed when it’s sore or scratchy.


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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