Wagashi (和菓子) vs. Okashi (お菓子) vs. Dagashi (駄菓子)

Have you ever heard that there are three words in the Japanese language for confectionery?

They are Wagashi (和菓子), Okashi (お菓子), and Dagashi (駄菓子). You may have heard of these terms. But do you know how they differ?

Wagashi vs. Okashi vs. Dagashi

Wagashi, Okashi, and Dagashi are somewhat different in meaning. And this time, let me explain that.

Wagashi (和菓子)

Wagashi (和菓子)

First, Wagashi (和菓子: literally, Japanese confection) is probably the best-known Japanese word for confectionery, composed of Wa (和) and Gashi (菓子).

The former Wa (和) is an adjective meaning Japanese, while the latter Gashi (菓子) is the noun for snacks/sweets in general.

However, Wagashi doesn’t refer to all Japanese snacks, but it is the name for traditional Japanese confections, including

Okashi (お菓子)

Okashi (お菓子)

Next, O (お) in Okashi (お菓子) is a Japanese prefix to make a polite expression, and O-Kashi is the polite way to say Kashi (菓子). Thus, the two words have the same meaning.

The Kanji characters 菓子 have the reading/pronunciation, Kashi or Gashi, and Okashi refers to any snack/confection.

Hence, Wagashi and Dagashi are categories in Kashi or Okashi.

Dagashi (駄菓子)

Dagashi (駄菓子)

Last, Dagashi (駄菓子: literally, cheap snack) is the generic name for cheap (unique, relatively small) Japanese snacks and candies, whose price generally ranges from 10 yen to 100 yen.

For their uniqueness and cheapness, children favor Dagashi treats. As with Wagashi, Dagashi has a long history and comes in numerous varieties, including

  • Fugashi (麩菓子): Dried wheat gluten snack coated with brown sugar. 
  • Neri Ame (ねり飴): Starch syrup goo candy.
  • Umaibo (うまい棒): Uniquely flavored corn puff sticks sold by Yaokin. 
  • Ramune (ラムネ): Chalky sugar candy tablets made with dextrose, potato/corn starch, and citric acid.
  • Kabayaki-San Taro (蒲焼さん太郎)/Big Katsu (ビッグカツ)/Yakiniku-San Taro (焼肉さん太郎)/Cut Yocchan (カットよっちゃん)/Sudako-San Taro (酢だこさん太郎): Fish surimi snacks.

(Reference Pages: Wikipedia 和菓子, 菓子, 駄菓子 )


Hi, I'm Tomo, a Japanese blogger living in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. For the purpose of enriching your life, I would like to introduce things about Japan on this blog, especially unique Japanese products, cooking recipes, cultures, and facts and trivia.

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